
Unfilter is an independent news show, media watchdog, meme spotter, and topic deep diver. Unplug from the distractions, and unfilter your life.

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339 Episodes

Episode 231: Chasing Nunes | Unfilter 231

Everyone’s playing politics & using the public’s ignorance to spin a wonderful tail of misdirection. We explain what’s going on with the House investigation.

Plus the cringe worthy look by CBS at Bots, the crazy rampage of Turkey’s Erdogan & a packed overtime!

Everyone’s playing politics & using the public’s ignorance to spin a wonderful tail of…

30 March 2017 | 02:46:25 | Explicit

Episode 230: High Nunes Showdown | Unfilter 230

Have Trump’s claims of “wiretapping” been vindicated or have we just witnessed political suicide? Plus the important moments from the big Russia hearings & the top secret tight spot the Donald is in.

And why the Internet really hates Chase today!

Have Trump’s claims of “wiretapping” been vindicated or have we just witnessed political suicide?…

23 March 2017 | 02:37:21 | Explicit

Episode 229: Trump Taxes and Tappin | Unfilter 229

The big Trump tax reveal is a bust, but not for the reasons you might think. Trump’s wiretapping claims are looking more and more farfetched & who else could have been behind the DNC leaks.

The big Trump tax reveal is a bust, but not for the reasons you might think. Trump’s wiretapping…

16 March 2017 | 02:52:57 | Explicit

Episode 228: Vault 7 Unlocked | Unfilter 228

Wikileaks drops Vault 7 filled with CIA secrets. We analyze it & the establishment's response. Plus are Trump's claims he was wiretapped crazy or rooted in reality?

Plus a High Note with a theme, getting you nice and scared about Yemen & more!

Wikileaks drops Vault 7 filled with CIA secrets. We analyze it & the establishment's response.…

09 March 2017 | 02:49:15 | Explicit

Episode 227: Tender Trump | Unfilter 227

Trump’s big speech, the key moments & maneuvers, a sample of the range of reaction. Plus our analysis of some of the emerging hypocrisy from the Trump administration.

Plus the secret source that wraps up Seth Rich’s death in a nice tidy package.

Trump’s big speech, the key moments & maneuvers, a sample of the range of reaction. Plus our…

02 March 2017 | 02:08:12 | Explicit

Episode 226: Dangerous Intelligence Games | Unfilter 226

Leak after leak targeted at discrediting the Trump administration is having real ramifications. We discuss who these leakers could be & why these leaks are dramatically different than those in the past.

Then we discuss Russia’s recent actions & Trump’s most dangerous flaw & more!

Leak after leak targeted at discrediting the Trump administration is having real ramifications.…

23 February 2017 | 02:19:49 | Explicit

Episode 225: The Yemen Spin | Unfilter 225

The Trump Administration will say anything to defend their failed raid in Yemen, everyone’s talking about Putin again & the leadership of the Democratic party is falling apart.

We break it all down, plus some Cyber, a high note, packed Overtime & more!

The Trump Administration will say anything to defend their failed raid in Yemen, everyone’s…

09 February 2017 | 02:21:51 | Explicit

Episode 224: The Canon of Bannon | Unfilter 224

The next Dick Cheney, the real man behind the President, some even call him President Bannon. Is all really that simple?

Plus a critical discussion of Trump’s major executive actions this week, news from around the world & big developments in Syria.

The next Dick Cheney, the real man behind the President, some even call him President Bannon. Is…

02 February 2017 | 02:18:00 | Explicit

Episode 223: Trump's Media War | Unfilter 223

They’ll pick a fight over any little issue, this week Trump’s war with the media hit a new fever pitch. Plus we’ll review his first week in office, discuss important world news & end it all on a high-note.

They’ll pick a fight over any little issue, this week Trump’s war with the media hit a new fever…

26 January 2017 | 02:16:53 | Explicit

Episode 222: The Kremlin Candidate | Unfilter 222

Obama stirs the Russian pot for just in time for Trump to step in, we’ll tell you about the nine month screwjob.

Plus all the latest Cyber threats, hacks, domain maneuvering & more!

Obama stirs the Russian pot for just in time for Trump to step in, we’ll tell you about the nine…

19 January 2017 | 01:37:06 | Explicit