
Unfilter is an independent news show, media watchdog, meme spotter, and topic deep diver. Unplug from the distractions, and unfilter your life.

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339 Episodes

Episode 68: It’s the Stupid Economy | Unfilter 68

This week marked the five-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers investment bank, which triggered the largest financial crisis since the Great Depression. And it also marked second anniversary of the start of Occupy Wall Street.

And while the establishment uses false metrics to assure us everything is going in the right…

This week marked the five-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers investment bank,…

26 September 2013 | 01:09:46 | Explicit

Episode 67: Gaming is to Blame | Unfilter 67

Another mass shooting grabs the attention of the nation, and while the essential details of the story are yet to emerge, the media has already cast their villain, video games. In their quest to demonize their #1 competition, they once again rob the people of a balanced dialog. We’ll do our best, to fix that.

Plus: The world economies…

Another mass shooting grabs the attention of the nation, and while the essential details of the…

19 September 2013 | 01:27:33 | Explicit

Episode 66: Russia to the Rescue | Unfilter 66

Russia’s president Vladimir Putin has silenced America’s war drums, at least for now. While special interests continue to push for war, American’s have awoken from their industrial media induced commas and taken to the streets. We’ll cover the mounting pressure against a new war.

Then the NSA is caught again, this time subverting…

Russia’s president Vladimir Putin has silenced America’s war drums, at least for now. While…

12 September 2013 | 00:57:27 | Explicit

Episode 65: Why so Syria | Unfilter 65

After an abrupt change of course President Obama’s plan to bomb Syria has won key congressional support, as lawmakers prepare to authorize America’s new war, we’ll blow past the patriotic platitudes and superficial reasons for the conflict and call out the real interest behind this aggression, and the dangerous blowback even a limited strike…

After an abrupt change of course President Obama’s plan to bomb Syria has won key congressional…

05 September 2013 | 01:11:17 | Explicit

Episode 64: 75% of the Internet | Unfilter 64

Declassified documents today reveal the NSA has intentionally abused their surveillance program, and retained data on US citizens despite a court order. All this as more details emerge about how the NSA collects nearly 75% of all US Internet traffic

David Miranda Glenn Greenwald’s partner was held for nine hours under an Orwellian…

Declassified documents today reveal the NSA has intentionally abused their surveillance program,…

22 August 2013 | 01:02:34 | Explicit

Episode 63: Gupta: Weed Hypocrisy | Unfilter 63

The War on Drugs has never looked more antiquated after receiving a major blow in public opinion, and by the Justice Department. And while the nation moves forward on the issue, ground zero of Cannabis legalization takes a step backward. We’ll reflect on what might be a legitimate turn for the better, in one of the larger embarrassments for the…

The War on Drugs has never looked more antiquated after receiving a major blow in public opinion,…

15 August 2013 | 01:22:33 | Explicit

Episode 62: Convenient Emergency | Unfilter 62

Terror ALERT! The Obama Administration claims to have intercepted significant chatter warning them to an impending attack from terrorist. Forcing the US to shutter nearly two dozen diplomatic posts and evacuate personnel around the world.

The convenient emergency arises during major new revelations of domestic spying abuse.


Terror ALERT! The Obama Administration claims to have intercepted significant chatter warning…

08 August 2013 | 01:43:11 | Explicit

Episode 61: In NSA We Trust | Unfilter 61

A diagram that literally puts the NSA’s world wide spying system on the map has been exposed in a newly released presentation giving us a better picture of the surveillance system that is said to hold a three day buffer of the Internet. We’ll dig deep into the details, explain how it works, and what you need to know.

Plus: An update on…

A diagram that literally puts the NSA’s world wide spying system on the map has been exposed in a…

01 August 2013 | 01:33:19 | Explicit

Episode 60: Detroit Out of Gas | Unfilter 60

The Obama Administration has doubled their efforts to protect and defend the NSA’s massive surveillance programs, launching a four star campaign publicly and behind closed doors to derail initiatives to neuter the NSA’s spying apparatus. We’ll share the details.

The birthplace of America’s middle class files for bankruptcy this week, but…

The Obama Administration has doubled their efforts to protect and defend the NSA’s massive…

25 July 2013 | 01:21:25 | Explicit

Episode 59: The Zimmerman Distraction | Unfilter 59

We’ll push past the distractions and focus on the important events. During an interview this week NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice claims to have held the orders in his hands to wiretap top government officials, today the NSA Admits It Analyzes more people’s data than previously revealed, in what continues to be a series of story changes. We’ll bring…

We’ll push past the distractions and focus on the important events. During an interview this week…

18 July 2013 | 01:32:11 | Explicit