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FountainNew leaks give us a better picture of how the NSA vacuums up your Internet traffic, and leverages their relationships with telecom companies to take what they want.
Then Latin America stands with Edward Snowden as multiple offers of asylum come in, we’ll bring you up to date on the hunt for Edward Snowden and discuss his latest…
New leaks give us a better picture of how the NSA vacuums up your Internet traffic, and leverages…
11 July 2013 | 01:27:01 | Explicit
Obama shrugged him off, calling him some 29 year old hacker. But this week the Administrations actions spoke louder than their words. Their hunt for Edward Snowden intensifies as they twist the arm of Vladimir Putin, ground the jet of the Bolivian president, and placing frantic calls to nation leaders around the world.
We’ll bring you up…
Obama shrugged him off, calling him some 29 year old hacker. But this week the Administrations…
04 July 2013 | 01:17:12 | Explicit
Edward Snowden dominates the mainstream headlines, as he makes his escape from Hong Kong. We’ll reflect on their continued character assassination and arm you with the critical thinking you’ll need to form your own opinions on his motivations.
Warrantless dragnet surveillance of the Internet expands beyond the borders of the US. This…
Edward Snowden dominates the mainstream headlines, as he makes his escape from Hong Kong. We’ll…
27 June 2013 | 01:29:35 | Explicit
In the wake of the NSA leaks we’re being told to trust the government with our simple data, it’s the leaker we need to worry about. Edward Snowden takes to the web to defend his name, while the top officials in US intelligence answer softball questions read from prepared statements.
This week, we’ll examine the claims, scrutinize the…
In the wake of the NSA leaks we’re being told to trust the government with our simple data, it’s…
20 June 2013 | 01:30:58 | Explicit
A series of leaks have blown the lid of the NSA’s massive surveillance dragnet of the Internet forcing the Federal Government to come clean to the world. We’ll dig into the new revelations, how this could be technically be done, and then we’ll expose the lapdog media’s attempt manipulate the narrative.
Plus an update on the situation in…
A series of leaks have blown the lid of the NSA’s massive surveillance dragnet of the Internet…
13 June 2013 | 01:12:47 | Explicit
The FBI has started their campaign to make the Internet wiretap friendly which proposes backdoors built into all network services, using existing laws on the books, we’ll break it down.
The Gun Control Debate has pivoted from the utility of high capacity weapons, to a war on mental health. This week we’ll demonstrate how the media is…
The FBI has started their campaign to make the Internet wiretap friendly which proposes backdoors…
06 June 2013 | 00:54:37 | Explicit
Chinese hackers have gained access to the designs of major U.S. weapons systems, a new report claimed on Monday. But we have a few questions about the timing of this announcement, and how it fits into the bigger picture.
And the “March Against Monsanto” protests were held in 52 countries and 436 cities around the world protesting the GMO…
Chinese hackers have gained access to the designs of major U.S. weapons systems, a new report…
30 May 2013 | 01:05:35 | Explicit
The DOJ’s investigations into journalists has expanded, who is the target, and how far is the US government willing to go? We dig into the details.
Ripped apart from a massive tornado Moore Oklahoma, begins their recovery. The media on the other hand has gone into full exploitation mode, we’ll rip them up.
Then Russia outs…
The DOJ’s investigations into journalists has expanded, who is the target, and how far is the US…
23 May 2013 | 01:15:04 | Explicit
The IRS has admitted it was targeting conservative groups with thug style politics.
And the Associated Press has just discovered the Justice Department has been monitoring their phones for two months, as the president of the A.P stated this now provides the Obama Administration with a “road map” to its whole news-gathering…
The IRS has admitted it was targeting conservative groups with thug style politics.
17 May 2013 | 00:42:27 | Explicit
New and aggressive lines in the battle for gun control have been drawn, and all sides of the debate claim the next battle will be bigger than ever, but we’re just a little skeptical.
Plus: Kidnapping brothers in Cleveland, air strikes in Syria, and a new #1 killer in America. We’ll break it all down and pull out the information you need…
New and aggressive lines in the battle for gun control have been drawn, and all sides of the…
09 May 2013 | 01:21:32 | Explicit