Unfilter is an independent news show, media watchdog, meme spotter, and topic deep diver. Unplug from the distractions, and unfilter your life.
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FountainThe rush to save the world and get rich doing it is on, but let's take a realistic look at what is possible, and when. And how the debate about renewing or curbing Section 215 of the US government's spying program is blocked by COVID-19 politics. Links: Some express concerns over rush to find COVID-19 vaccine :: WRAL.com…
The rush to save the world and get rich doing it is on, but let's take a realistic look at what is…
28 May 2020 | 00:55:19
The Coronavirus fallout has exposed some shocking China developments that are getting very little attention right now, and they have nothing to do with COVID-19. So I bring you up to speed. Plus, the latest economic impact from the Pandemic and the plan to win Joe Biden the election. Live Stream Q&A Form…
The Coronavirus fallout has exposed some shocking China developments that are getting very little…
21 May 2020 | 00:46:33 | Explicit
The most critical moments from Fauci's Senate hearing, how hospitals make money from COVID-19, and why we won't be seeing negative interest rates anytime soon. Also, how Joe Biden might get pulled into the next legal battle around the NSA's surveillance powers. Links: Read: Documents listing names of Obama-era officials who sought to 'unmask'…
The most critical moments from Fauci's Senate hearing, how hospitals make money from COVID-19, and…
14 May 2020 | 01:32:49 | Explicit
The world has reached one of the most critical risk/reward calculations it's ever faced. We're told over and over, it's simple: stay home, stay safe. But it's never that simple. After I dismantle that argument I make a case for why I think it's time to take the risk and reopen. Links: Breaking Down The Absolutely Batshit Coup Attempt Against…
The world has reached one of the most critical risk/reward calculations it's ever faced. We're told…
07 May 2020 | 01:05:17 | Explicit
Exposure Notification or better known as Contact Tracing is coming. I've just surfaced from a deep dive and share my findings. It's a special focus on the rollout and tech behind Contact Tracing, plus some good news for COVID-19 treatment, and a quick check on the state of the housing market. Links: Ready to Re-Open? Or Too Risky? - Straw Poll…
Exposure Notification or better known as Contact Tracing is coming. I've just surfaced from a deep…
30 April 2020 | 01:02:49 | Explicit
I make my case for the dangers of tribalism during a pandemic. And my thoughts on the cautious and the not so cautious approaches to reopening our economies. Links: Nevada to join California, Oregon, Colorado, Washington in COVID-19 reopening plan | Coronavirus | fox5vegas.com…
I make my case for the dangers of tribalism during a pandemic. And my thoughts on the cautious and…
28 April 2020 | 01:03:10 | Explicit
Trump makes a massive blunder and tries to play it off as a joke. My thoughts on what he got right and where he went all wrong. Plus some crazy "hot mic" audio, the flaw in the immigration ban, and the staggering economic timebomb US states are facing. Also - the recent studies that suggest COVID-19 may have arrived many weeks sooner than first…
Trump makes a massive blunder and tries to play it off as a joke. My thoughts on what he got right…
25 April 2020 | 01:02:31 | Explicit
It looks like Trump and his team are behind the recent lockdown protests, I'll dig in. Plus what the heck is going on with oil prices, and the states that will see their COVID-19 peaks at the end of April. Links: Trump Adviser: Social Distancing Protestors Are the Second Coming of Rosa Parks | Vanity Fair…
It looks like Trump and his team are behind the recent lockdown protests, I'll dig in. Plus what the…
21 April 2020 | 00:49:35
Trump checks are on the way, and he claims he knows nothing about it. Except what he does know. I'll explain. Plus my thoughts on the power struggle between the President and the Governors, my revised outlook on the oil situation, and Biden's big week. Links: Donald J. Trump's name will be on stimulus checks in unprecedented move - The Washington…
Trump checks are on the way, and he claims he knows nothing about it. Except what he does know. I'll…
16 April 2020 | 00:45:23
Apple and Google are working together to build in OS-level opt-in COVID-19 contact tracing. We explain how this technology will work, the project it's based on, and our concerns with its use. Plus the latest news, the mechanics of how Trump and the Media rile each other up, and our new outlook on the election. Links: Exclusive: JPMorgan Chase to…
Apple and Google are working together to build in OS-level opt-in COVID-19 contact tracing. We…
14 April 2020 | 00:56:05 | Explicit