
Unfilter is an independent news show, media watchdog, meme spotter, and topic deep diver. Unplug from the distractions, and unfilter your life.

21 November 2013

Episode 76: JFK: 50 Years Later | Unfilter 76

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50 years ago this week John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated. Creating one of America’s most famous conspiracies, and for good reasons. We’ll put this tragic event into some historical context, and examine the less discussed aspects of the assassination.

But first: While the NSA Spends the week in court defending their programs, new documents detail their out of control nature and the NSA’s secret agreements to wholesale spy on UK citizens.

Then it’s your feedback, our follow up, and much much more.

On this week’s episode of, Unfilter.

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