
Unfilter is an independent news show, media watchdog, meme spotter, and topic deep diver. Unplug from the distractions, and unfilter your life.

13 February 2014

Episode 85: Death by Metadata | Unfilter 85

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Two topics we’ve been closing following on the Unfilter show, Drone assassinations, and the NSA surveillance programs have intersected this week. We’ll give you the details on how Obama uses the NSA Metadata collection to kill people with drones.

Now as we record this episode thanks to new leaks we’ve learned the Administration is preparing their case to kill another American citizen based on the cellphone, in his pocket.

Plus the GCHQ gets caught playing with hackers, and we’ll take a look at Glenn Greenwald’s new publication, and much much more.

On this week’s episode of, Unfilter.

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